More results link, new Video Bar features

December 14, 2006

This afternoon we made two small updates to the service.

More results link

For those of you using the GSearchControl, you will notice a new link, "More results »" underneath a collection of search results. This link will take your users to the appropriate property (web search, video search, etc.) with their current query where they can do deeper research.

The link uses typical AJAX Search API constructs. You control the link target just like you do for your search result links by using the setLinkTarget method. You can change its style or disable it using CSS. If you do not want this link visible on this site, you can use this snippet of CSS (after including gsearch.css) to turn it off.

/* disable More results >> link under a bundle of results */
div.gsc-trailing-more-results { display : none; }

Video Bar Features

The Video Bar solution has been enhanced to support an "auto execute list." You can now supply a video bar with a list of search expressions and it will randomly, or sequentially, cycle through your list and update itself. You control the list, the cycle time, and the order with simple options. The instructions page walks you through this simple process. Note: the right hand video bar is programmed to use this new feature.

As always, please continue to share your ideas and feedback with us.